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655 Cambridge Street | Winnipeg | Manitoba
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PEMF is a relatively new modality. The technology was developed by NASA to address health issues of astronauts during and after space travel and is based on Tesla technology.
PEMF uses electrical energy that directs a series of magnetic pulses to injured or damaged tissue and cells whereby each magnetic pulse induces a tiny electrical signal that stimulates cellular repair.
While PEMF is not able to successfully treat all conditions, it has been shown to be effective in speeding up the healing process or management of:
chronic pain
sports injuries
circulatory conditions
degenerative problems
soft tissue conditions
digestive issues
electronic smog
and many more
Human and animal organisms consist of a large number of cells which function electrically. Damaged or diseased cells have the electromagnetic ions out of balance; PEMF treatments work at a cellular level to rebalance the positive and negative ions in order to restore optimal cellular function i.e. Pulsed electromagnetic fields help increase cellular metabolism by positively influencing ion exchange at the cellular level.
Stimulates tissues
Increased blood flow
Reduces swelling/ inflammation
Speeds up hemostasis (clotting)
Reduces Pain