Visit Basic Kneads Massage
655 Cambridge Street | Winnipeg | Manitoba
Experience natural relief, and an overall feeling of relaxation and calm.

Block is a modality that allows people to get in touch with all aspects of themselves; body, mind and spirit and allows treatment of both acute and chronic issues. This unique therapy allows for injury rehabilitation, physical strengthening, improved organ function (strengthening the immune system), relaxation, exercise and injury prevention by creating space in the body.
Block Therapy can be adapted to meet each person’s individual preference by focusing on one or combining two or more of the components based on a person’s preference or need.
Tracy is a certified Block Therapy instructor/therapist with two decdes of experience working with fascia, treating and educating clients on how to improve their body’s ability to function and increase their quality of life. She is able to do this through one-on-one meetings, either in person or by phone, Skype, Zoom, or Messenger.
There are many ways to incorporate Block therapy into everyday life. Whether it is just 15 or a 90-minute practice, the benefits are immediately noticeable.
Jen Tries By: Jen Zoratti | Posted: 7:00 PM CDT Thursday, Mar. 18, 2021