Care Facility Massage

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It is widely known that therapeutic massage is a positive, non-pharmaceutical wellness option for the elderly and the infirm. Massage has proven to enhance postural stability and lower blood pressure when it is applied to those with mobility issues or are bedridden.  Another benefit of this type of regular treatment can be seen with fewer falls. More good news for clients extends beyond just the feeling of regeneration and  calm, but clients also experience increased blood flow, stimulation of their nervous system, and pain relief.

The benefits of massage for hospitalized patients are undeniably life altering with an overall increased relaxation rate, positive sense of well-being with an upbeat mood change. Many hospital patients report that with a regular massage therapy program they experience enhanced mobility, greater energy, increased participation in treatment and faster recovery. Many patients have indicated that the benefits have lasted much longer than just one day and treatments take away feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Therapeutic Massage has preventative qualities as well as significant benefits for individuals who are living with restricted mobility and overall health challenges.  These include: 

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·       Preventing muscle tightening, atrophy and weakening

·       Increased range of movement in the joints and reduction of Arthritic pain

·       Countering muscle imbalances due to inactivity

·       Renewed ability to balance